Capsule Clash

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Capsule Clash is a 2 player strategy game where players select units to fight each other with on a turn based board.

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Player 2 selects their units after Player 1.

Each player begins with their selected units.

Both players have chosen the same units but in a different order.

Player 1 begins their turn and is able to:

Finished turn after killing an enemy unit.

Player 1's turn then ends, and player 2's turn begins, giving them the same choices to follow.

After an attack is dealt the units will lose health based on the damage it will take. When a unit no longer has any health it will be removed from play. A player wins once all the opposing units are gone or they have the highest overall health of all their units should 50 turns have based for both players.

System Architecture

3-Tier Layered Architecture:


UML Diagram

Class Diagram: Class Diagram

Design Patterns

Singleton Pattern:

Strategy Pattern:

Factory Method Pattern:

Observer Pattern:

Tools Used


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