
The TriTimeTracker is a web application that serves to track previous Triathlon times, provide statistics, and estimate future triathlons. The web app allows for the secure creation of multiple user accounts and will store each individuals data. This project was created as a class project for CPE 305 Individual Software Design and Development at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

Walk Through

Home Screen

Create a unique account

Add a previous triathlon

View all previous triathlons

View stats calculated for each triathlon

Estimate your time for a future Triathlon


The software uses a Service-Oriented architecture as pictured below. The backend REST API is built with the Java Spring Framework and the frontend is built with AngularJS. A Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is used and the View component consists of AngularJS. AngularJS contains an MVC, so within the View of the broader MVC, there is another MVC within.

Below is a more detailed Class Diagram

Technologies/Tools Used



Design Patterns

Design Patterns I Should Have Used

Why My Design is Robust/What I like about my project

  1. Completely Decoupled REST API and User Interface
    • The REST API can be paired with any frontend User Interface such as an Android or iOS app instead of a website.
  2. Fully secured/authenticated API.
  3. Basic Framework of project is easily extendable.

Key Takeaways

  1. Design Patterns allow for a much higher flexibility for the future (DesignStaminaHypothesis)
    • I had a set idea of the data structure to use for a Triathlon and it made it easy to implement.
    • If I wanted to extend it in the future, it would be rather difficult since I didn't use a design pattern for the implementation of it's attributes
  2. Java Spring Framework is a pain. There is a ton of "convention over configuration" that makes it easy to do a ton of "magic" with little code but makes extension from the default, very difficult. For example, setting up the database and user authentication was a nightmare.
  3. The Continuous Integration workflow is a huge help in maintaining the reliability of the application. Each tool I used (listed above) was beneficial to the creation and maintainability of the project.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with TriTimeTracker? Check out the project or contact support and we’ll help you sort it out.